This couple is super close to my heart. I’ve known them for years, even before they got engaged! They are two of the most hard working, selfless, people I’ve ever met. From their engagement photos sitting on a dock at sunset, to making silly faces with the kids on their wedding day, and all the hockey games, doggy play dates, and hilarious game night christmas parties in between – being their photographer and their friend is a big deal to me. Their life together is just starting a new chapter, and I’m the one that gets to make the pictures to the stories they will tell their little boy one day. Maybe when he is little, he will like to hear how Mama is really a fairy princess – but when he gets older, I want him to be able to look at these photos and see the LOVE. The…
Probably my favorite thing about my job is when I get the chance to stay with clients who become friends through many years and important milestones in their lives. Telling their story is what drives me, both a responsibility and an honor to getting it right and not missing a moment. I first met Kayla and Adam in 2011. They were newly engaged, and planning their wedding. We talked about the future across the table at panera. Now here we are four years later and I’ve had the privilege to know them and call them friends through their engagement photos, documenting their wedding day, lots of excited talks as they built and launched their own photography business, and this spring they are starting the next big chapter in their lives. In just a few weeks, they will be welcoming their first baby. We went back to where it all began,…